PEOPLE living in the village of Gwytherin could soon enjoy better phone connectivity after Conwy councillors backed a planning application for a 65-foot-tall telecommunications tower.

Councillors said the mast would improve connections and keep rural residents safer in the case of an accident.

The planning application for the 20-metre-high lattice tower at Merddyn Farm, Gwytherin, Abergele, was submitted by Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd.

A previous application was withdrawn after council officers objected to the plans before Cllr Austin Roberts called-in their delegated decision for debate.

Planning officers then recommended councillors back the application, and the vote was unanimous.

Cllr Nigel Smith compared mobile phone masts to electricity pylons being put up decades ago.

“I don’t really think you can underestimate the importance of connectivity nowadays to all communities, in particular our rural communities,” he said.

“I was just thinking to myself: I’d love to have been on the planning committee 40 or 50 years ago when the electricity pylons were going up all across North Wales and (know) what officers thought about them (and the impact) on our rural skyline.”


Cllr Austin Roberts added: “This is something that is a necessity in an area such as Gwytherin.

“The local community council is supportive; indeed, when the original application was submitted some months ago, then withdrawn, several people were disappointed.

“Connectivity in Gwytherin is atrocious, and so this will help improve the lives of Gwytherin residents, and that is to be welcomed.”

Cllr Alan Hunter added: “My concern is the safety of farmers and people around there who can’t have a phone signal if there was an accident.

“I think it is imperative we have this type of signal.”