A CARE home in Colwyn Bay has received a far more positive inspection report, a year on from it being accused of being “chaotic” and having “systemic failings”.

Eithiniog, a Leonard Cheshire-run, 42-person home for adults with physical disabilities on Old Highway, was heavily criticised by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) following its visit in July 2023.

But a follow-up inspection report several months later noted “many positive improvements”, which have been consolidated in its latest review.

CIW returned to Eithiniog on September 30, and published a new report on the home last week, in which it stated that residents now receive “appropriate, responsive care”, and that a “culture of openness” has been fostered.

Inspectors also felt that Eithiniog had achieved the area for improvement it had previously been handed; to ensure all staff are aware of residents’ prescribed diets.

Its report also said that residents feel a “sense of belonging”, are “protected from abuse and harm”, get the “right care at the right time”, and are offered “healthy, nutritious meals”.

Extracts from CIW’s latest report on Eithiniog read: “Staff are available to give people the support they need and want.

“There is robust oversight of the service, and the responsible individual supervises the management of the service effectively.

“People have control of what they want to do so they can prioritise things that matter to them. They have opportunities to participate in meaningful activities and to pursue their interests in a supportive way with friendly enthusiastic staff.

“The environment is safe, clean, and warm, and there are ongoing refurbishment plans in place. People can share concerns and have their voices heard.”

Inspectors also noted the “comfortable” furniture in the home, and found that residents’ rooms are “clutter-free” and personalised with pictures and their own belongings.

Eithiniog was also praised for its quality of hygiene and infection control, with staff having completed mandatory training in this regard.

The report added: “People highlighted they are very happy with the level and quality of care they receive. Everyone we spoke with complimented the staff on their hard work and had no complaints.

“We saw staff treating people with respect, empathy, and kindness. Staff were considerate and displayed a tactile approach to those requiring assistance.

“We also observed staff involving people in conversations and saw them laughing and joking with people in a respectful and friendly manner.

“Activities are provided such as arts and crafts, people are looking forward to the BBQ and making crafts for Halloween. People are consulted on what they would like to do and place their suggestions on a post it note on the resident’s board. 

“The responsible individual visits the service regularly and knows the people who use the service very well.

“The responsible individual completes monitoring visits as required, and a quality assurance report is produced every six months.

“Reports are very detailed, and an analysis of their findings is completed. We saw they contained the views of people living in the service, staff, representatives, and commissioning services.”

Eithiniog had received nine priority action notices following its inspection in July 2023, covering issues such as the storing of confidential information, staff training, and a failure to communicate with residents in a respectful manner.