A £540 million budget shortfall is expected for local authorities across Wales.

Member of the Welsh Parliament for Aberconwy, Janet Finch-Saunders, has expressed her disappointment at the financial revelations.

Conwy County Borough Council's projected deficit for the next year is £22.7 million, which could rise to more than £30 million by 2026-27.

The draft budget, due in December, is expected to bring in sweeping cuts, notably in education.

Ms Finch-Saunders said: "It is an incredibly difficult time for councils across Wales, but particularly in Conwy where we are facing one of the highest budget shortfalls per head.

"I am aware that education is facing some major cuts with school transport, additional learning support, and the arts all on the chopping board."

Ms Finch-Saunders criticised the council's expenditure, highlighting the nearly £16,000 spent on security for the deserted Mochdre depot, and the £20,000-a-month lease.

She argues that Conwy County Borough Council does not receive a fair settlement from the Welsh Government.

She added: "I really hope that the upcoming UK budget gives Wales a real boost, which in turn will allow funds to be passed down to councils.

"Otherwise, our services are going to become more and more fragile."