Internet blackspots in Llandudno town centre, Colwyn Bay, and Conwy could be a thing of the past, if a deal with a UK internet provider is agreed.

Areas such as Llandudno are notorious for having poor internet connectivity in parts of the high street, particularly around the town centre.

But speaking at a Conwy harbour advisory meeting at Bodlondeb, cabinet member for infrastructure, transport, and facilities Cllr Goronwy Edwards told the chamber that the issue could soon be resolved.

The conversation turned to internet connectivity whilst discussing high tech security measures on Conwy Quay after a spate of thefts and vandalism on boats.

Conwy’s harbour master has reported the problem to North Wales Police, and he emphasised the need for CCTV on the quay, which relied on good WiFi coverage, at which point Cllr Edwards revealed that Conwy is in talks with a prominent 5G provider.

Cllr Edwards said: “Just on the WiFi, the council is looking to go into a contract with a company called Freshwave about the possibility of having 5G in certain areas of the county.

“This would increase connectivity in places like the centre of Llandudno, Colwyn Bay … I suggest I’ll have a word with the officer working on this scheme, and perhaps we can look at Conwy Quay and Conwy town to be included in this scheme because 5G would give us more connectivity as far as (CCTV) cameras and anything else.”

According to its website, Freshwave provides “assured connectivity for everyone, delivering wireless solutions customers can rely on wherever they are”.

Conwy’s cabinet resolved in May that all avenues of funding should be investigated to install WiFi on the Quay, together with live camera footage for users.

The chamber heard how Conwy Town Council also could access “Smart Town” funding to assist with the scheme.