A COUPLE of vehicles were seized by police and four drivers were arrested in Llandudno on Friday (October 4).

Vehicles were seized after the driver of one of them was found to have no insurance, and the driver of the other failed to stop for police.

Officers made four arrests including for failing to provide a drugs test, failing a roadside drugs test, careless driving, and failing to stop.

A total of 14 Traffic Offence Reports (TORs) were also handed out for defects on vehicles including illegal tints on front windows, illegal number plates, underinflated tyres, no MOT, driving without a licence, and antisocial driving.

Meanwhile, of 116 drivers stopped, all passed eyesight tests with no issues, and the majority continued on their journey within a couple of minutes.

The ongoing operation, known as Op Eyesight, checks vehicles for roadworthiness and that the eyesight of the driver reaches the required standard. 

All drivers must be able to read a legal clean registration plate from 20 meters in daylight conditions.

PC Logan, from North Wales Police’s Roads Crime Unit, said: “Good eyesight is essential for safe driving, and we make no apologies in trying to reduce serious and fatal collisions in line with road safety initiatives.

“We are advising motorists to please take time to check over your vehicle to make sure it’s prepared for the winter months.

“Make sure your tyres are in good condition and the pressures are correct. The minimum legal tread limit for cars is 1.6mm across three quarters of the circumference of the tread.

“Check all the lights on your vehicle are working correctly, that there is fluid in your window screen washer reservoir, and that the window screen wipers are in good working order.

“These are just a few simple checks to carry out that greatly improve the safety of your vehicle.

“We also advise pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders where possible to make sure that you are as visible as possible, wearing high visibility clothing, and have sufficient lights to be seen especially when using roads where there is little or no lighting.”

Officers from the unit will be carrying out more operations in the coming months.

If you have any concerns with regards to road safety in your area, you can inform North Wales Police via its website, or by speaking to officers if you see them on patrol.