A FAMILY-RUN Thai restaurant in Llandudno which was given a food hygiene rating of one was discovered to have had a mouse infestation, with droppings and mouse activity noticed.

Thai Tastic, at 107 Mostyn Street, was given a one-out-of-five score following assessment on May 28.

The restaurant had been rated ‘major improvement necessary’ with regards to its management of food safety, while its hygienic food handling and the cleanliness and condition of its facilities and building were rated ‘improvement necessary’.

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request to Conwy County Borough Council revealed the food hygiene inspector had found evidence of mouse activity and infestation in multiple areas of the premises.

Evidence of mouse activity was found in the basement store, where various foods, including noodles, onions and sugar, were stored uncovered.

The report noted that “a moth flew into it during the inspection and a black insect was observed in the scoop that had been left in the sugar”.

MORE: Llandudno kebab house given food hygiene rating of one

Some foods were also stored in locations “where rodents may well have been”.

Evidence of mouse infestation was found in the yard and the basement store room, with inspectors saying an investigation was needed to determine if the infestation was “active”.

Inspectors found “no evidence of any rodent control measures in place” and “no documented food safety management system in operation on site”.

The restaurant failed to comply with standards in 19 separate cases, with the report noting “major non-compliance with statutory obligations”, a “poor appreciation of hazards and control measures, no food safety management procedures” and “some reluctance in recognising or accepting the need for food safety and hygiene control procedures”.

Other concern was levelled at potential cross-contamination at the site, with no practices controlling the risk of this occurring in the kitchen.

Thai Tastic was revisited the following day (May 29) and a request for a re-rating inspection has been received and is due to be carried out.