A Welsh charity has received a grant to help fund an agroforestry project in Ghana.

Caendon, an international development charity based in Llandudno, has been awarded a £9,900 grant to support an agroforestry programme in the African country.


The project, which will be implemented over 2024 and 2025, will provide assistance for tree planting, which will help to alleviate poverty and benefit the environment.

Caendon said the project will have a "significant climate change mitigation impact" as trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The scheme will also help to improve biodiversity and will provide alternative livelihoods for those suffering from crop failures due to climate change.

Part of the grant will also be used to help develop sustainable coffee production.

Caendon is working with four partner NGOs in Ghana, and the grant will help to provide access to seedlings, training, networking, and financial support.

The charity said the project demonstrates the Welsh Government's commitment to tackling long-term problems such as poverty, health inequalities, and climate change, as set out in the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

The project will also provide a link between communities in Wales and Africa through a volunteer opportunities programme, allowing people in Wales to be part of the project.

Caendon also plans to share the lessons learnt from the project with organisations and young people in Wales to help increase their understanding of conservation in other parts of the world.

The project is funded through the Welsh Government's 'Wales and Africa' grant scheme, which is administered by the WCVA.

A spokesman for Caendon said: "This project will not only deliver an environmental benefit but will also help alleviate poverty.

"Trees are known to be one of the primary means of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and so this project has a significant climate change mitigation impact.

"The tree planting scheme being implemented will also provide additional environmental and biodiversity improvement benefits, a wider aspiration that agroforestry seeks to achieve."

For further information on Caendon or this project, email info@caendon.org.