THE 80TH anniversary of Operation Market Garden at Arnhem and the 84th Battle of Britain Day were commemorated at Llandudno war memorial yesterday (September 15).

Veterans, cadets, civic leaders, and members of the public attended the service.

Organised by the Llandudno branch of the Royal British Legion, the service was led by The Reverend Canon Philip Barratt.

Operation Market Garden was an ambitious Allied airborne operation to secure the River Rhine crossings, advance into northern Germany and ultimately shorten the war.

Anniversary of Operation Market Garden and Battle of BritainAnniversary of Operation Market Garden and Battle of Britain (Image: Rod C Pierce)

If successful, the plan would have liberated the Netherlands, outflanked Germany’s formidable frontier defences, and make possible an armoured drive into Germany’s industrial heartland.

Although a failure, Operation Market Garden highlights the determination and courage shown by Allied airborne troops and the units that tried to reach them.

It also led to the liberation of a large part of the Netherlands at a time when many Dutch people were close to starvation.

While no Llandudno service personnel died at Arnhem itself, three were killed in the liberation of the Netherlands.

In a moment of silence, the assembled parade remembered Captain Donald Lever of Penrhyn Bay, Corporal Redvers Evans of Bridge Road and Lance Corporal George Tate of Marian Road.

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Battle of Britain Day commemorates a dramatic turning point in the history of the Second World War.

Two Llandudno men fought in the Battle of Britain - Glyn Griffiths of Claremont Road served with the Royal Air Force and Verner Parke of Great Orme’s Road was a pilot with the Fleet Air Arm.

Both fought with distinction, with Sergeant Glyn Griffiths being awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal, the first Llandudno man to receive this honour.

In honour of the heroic Battle of Britain pilots the poem “The Wall” was read by Vicky Macdonald.

Chairman of the Llandudno branch of Royal British Legion, Peter Kingston MBE, said: “Today we honoured the young men from our community who served at Arnhem and in the skies above southern England but our thoughts were also with those who served, came home, and lived with the horrors of what they had seen.”

Llandudno Royal British Legion are very grateful to Lord-Brown & Harty Ltd for their support of the service.

After the ceremony, participants retired to the Troop Cafe for refreshments organised by Llandudno Royal Air Force Association.