A PUB in Conwy said it asked a group of people to leave its premises after they started “chanting” and tried to “physically intimidate” members of staff.

The Blue Bell, on Castle Street, said that on Saturday afternoon (August 3), the group was asked on multiple occasions to respect its other customers.

Its owners dismissed “ridiculous claims about language”, meanwhile, after TV presenter Siân Lloyd posted on X: “Friends of mine have just been thrown out (of The Blue Bell) for singing in their native language.

She added that it was “scarcely credible (that) such a frightful pub exists in Cymru”.

A statement from the pub read: “During family and food service hours, a large group came in to the pub (in smaller sub-groups to avoid being identified as such a large single group).

“They were loud and intimidating to families and diners. Other customers started leaving because of them.

“The were asked several times to be more respectful of our other customers and of our pub house rules that we have in place to ensure the nice vibes we have here, and the comfort and safety of all of our customers.

“Over the 11 years we have run this pub, we have never allowed ‘yobby’ chanting, loud shouty behaviour, or big-group singing, because it changes the whole ambience for the worse for every person in the room, and leads to increasing mob, ‘yobby’ behaviour.

“The group rudely, repeatedly, intentionally and aggressively carried on with chanting and singing after being asked to stop several times.

“They also attempted to physically intimidate staff members. For these reasons, they were asked to leave.

“I’m not even going to dignify with a response the ridiculous claims about language. We don’t care whether you sing in English, Welsh, Chinese or Russian, if you’re asked to stop and you don’t, you’ll be asked to leave.

“Those of you making this about language or location rather than the group’s selfish and aggressive behaviour are creating offence and drama where there is none (except the group’s own offensive behaviour).”

In response to Ms Lloyd’s comments, meanwhile, The Blue Bell added: “Making this about language and location is ignorant hysteria.”