THE LATEST report about the 'disposal' of Conwy County Borough Council's Bodlondeb offices was presented to the Finance & Resources Scrutiny Committee last week.

Last year,  the local authority decided to look into the feasibility of downsizing to just one main office building - Coed Pella in Colwyn Bay.

As part of this work, the council invited expressions of interest for the Bodlondeb office in March, followed by an invitation to tender in May.

The results are now being reported to councillors, who will decide whether to approve the one-office approach and select a preferred bidder for the Bodlondeb building.


Conwy's council's Bodlondeb headquarters listed on Rightmove

Fears Bodlondeb sale could leave public without access to land

The report will go before Cabinet on August 13 - if the report and recommendations are approved, it’s likely a preferred bidder will be formally announced towards the end of August, once necessary legal processes have been completed.

Council leader, Cllr Charlie McCoubrey, said: “We engaged with the market to look for a sustainable opportunity for the site and for the town of Conwy.

"We have a duty to make sure we make the right decision. 

“It’s essential that we reduce our revenue costs, optimise the use of our assets, reduce our carbon emissions, avoid significant repair and maintenance costs, and create an opportunity for economic development.” 

“Councillors will need to consider the information carefully and agree on the next steps.”