A GROUP established to lead an initiative to transform a skatepark in Llandudno Junction has been awarded £30,000 to pursue the project.

The Victoria Skatepark Project will look to change the existing skatepark, in Victoria Park, into a state-of-the-art concrete skatepark designed to serve the entire community.

Dave Jones, a county councillor for the Glyn-y-Marl ward, is secretary of the group, and said a feasibility study and community engagement programme will be carried out.

The plan, Cllr Jones, said, is to turn it into a “state-of-the-art concrete bowl wheel sports venue for skateboarders and BMX and scooter riders”. 


Group set up to transform Llandudno Junction skatepark

A community engagement event will be held at Llandudno Junction Community Club on August 8 at 5pm. 

Cllr Jones said: “We have employed a nationally recognised company, Curve Studios Ltd, to carry out the study and engagement.

“Curve will be presenting three designs for the community to look at and decide which one, or a mixture of all three, they would like to see in Victoria Park.

“The event will be split into two meetings - at 5pm, a meeting for wheel sport enthusiasts; then, at 7pm, a meeting for the whole community. 

“Attendees will be asked to comment in groups on their likes and dislikes. 

“We will also be holding a fun session for beginners, called Get Rolling. Free soft drinks and a buffet will be available.”

The Victoria Skatepark Project Group's committee is a mixture of councillors, skateboarders, scooter enthusiasts, and parents. 

It is a constituted group looking for grants to carry out this development, and its aim is to look at charitable status and take out a lease on the skatepark.

“The group has achieved much in such a short time,” Cllr Jones added.