AFTER 54 years and serving over 3,500 children their lunches, beloved Old Colwyn dinner lady 'Aunty Mary' Owen has hung up her apron.

The 87-year-old - known by all as 'Aunty Mary' was a familiar face for generations of pupils educated at Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn, cooking and plating up lunchtime meals to fuel youngsters' learning since 1970.

But she was more than that. Former pupils at her retirement celebration said she was a confidante, a calming presence and someone who was a kind friend to all at the school.

On her final day pupils past and present went along to give her a huge send-off with artwork from current pupils wishing her well in retirement, a reworking of Tine Turner's classic 'Proud Mary' sung by the school choir and a GoFundMe organised by former pupils.

"I can't believe so many people came," said Mary. "I never wanted a fuss."

Current headteacher Rob Jones said: "Aunty Mary has worked for three head teachers and served up tasty meals for thousands of pupils.

"I remember when I first became headteacher, Mary was worried she would need to retire then, but there was never any risk of that. She is part of the fabric of this school and this community and I know if she could she would continue on for longer.

"She is always calm, considerate and caring. Through all the change she has seen, she has been a constant presence for us all.

"We are all thrilled she decided to stay as long as she did and sorry to see her go, but we wish her the very best in her retirement and I'm pleased to see so many former pupils return to say goodbye."

Aunty Mary said it was the children who kept her going.

"They were the best part of it for me," she said. "They kept me young. I loved our little conversations every day and getting to know each generation. 

"Looking around there are people who I served when I started, they had children and I served them and now they have had children too and I have served them. I just can't believe it."

Emotional: Aunty Mary wipes away a tear as she listens to tributes from generations of school pupils who meant so much to her at Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn.Emotional: Aunty Mary wipes away a tear as she listens to tributes from generations of school pupils who meant so much to her at Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn. (Image: Alec Doyle, Newsquest)

One former pupil, Lisa Maes, said that Mary had earned every kind word

"She was always fantastic, someone to confide in. She's also a neighbour of mine and when I heard she was retiring I wanted to do something nice for her so we set up a GoFundMe for anyone who was able and wanted to to give a little so she could treat herself."