The Welsh Mountain Zoo's Summer Zoo Club has garnered significant interest even prior to its commencement.

The club, running through August, offers four-hour sessions to junior explorers aged 8 - 12.

These sessions involve engaging with animal enrichment activities catered for bears and meerkats, among others.

The club operates during the school Summer holidays and is fast running out of available slots.

Alexandra Davies, education manager at the Welsh Mountain Zoo said: "We’ve been incredibly pleased with the response to our Summer Zoo Club which almost sold out instantly! These sessions offer a unique opportunity for our younger Zoo guests to see the Zoo from a totally different perspective and experience a little bit of the magic of being a Zoo Keeper for the day!

"Developing an understanding of the Zoo’s mission and discovering more about the amazing animals in our care forms the basis of the Summer Club; and we look forward to welcoming our junior animal lovers very soon.

"For anyone still keen to get involved, we suggest you book your place quickly as tickets are now very limited."