THE popular paddle steamer Waverley returned to North Wales earlier this week as it came in to Llandudno Pier on Monday (June 24).

Its return to region follows the "resounding" success of its sailings in 2023.

For the first time this century, the world’s last seagoing paddle steamer initially set sail from Holyhead.

Excursions also included the Great Orme and Puffin Island and the North Anglesey Coast.


On board the Waverley! DayTwo in Llandudno in pictures

The Waverley comes in to Llandudno Pier on June 24The Waverley comes in to Llandudno Pier on June 24 (Image: Jody Williams)

Hundreds of people watched the Waverley arrive into Llandudno Pier on Monday, where it received the National Historic Ships (NHS) UK Flagship of the Year 2024 broad pennant and brass plaque.

NHS UK said: “PS Waverley is the world's last sea-going paddle steamer. 

The Waverley comes in to Llandudno Pier on June 24The Waverley comes in to Llandudno Pier on June 24 (Image: Jody Williams)

“She was awarded the status of National Flagship of the Year for 2024 in recognition of her ambitious cruising programme around the UK, during which she is scheduled to visit 70 ports/piers, her dedicated marketing plan, and high level of outreach across all major social media platforms. 

“2024 also marks the 50th anniversary since Waverley was gifted for £1, and the ship will also boast new display boards, activity leaflets and a range of special offers.”