A North Wales MS has welcomed a Minister's commitment to work with the Royal Welsh Show and the National Eisteddfod on the reform of the school holiday calendar.

Llŷr Gruffydd, the elected representative for North Wales in the Senedd, had previously urged the Welsh Government to protect the country's largest festivals amid potential changes to the school year.

Mr Gruffydd, Plaid Cymru’s shadow minister for rural affairs, received assurance from Lynne Neagle, the Welsh Government's cabinet secretary for Education.

This is following an announcement about the plans to change the school holidays.

The proposal, which suggests reducing the summer break for Welsh school pupils by a week from 2026, has been put on hold for now.

Despite no final decision being reached this Senedd term, the process of exploring potential options will continue within the year.

Mr Gruffydd said: "I think taking a step back in light of the responses to the consultation is sensible.

"I am surprised that there was no specific reference in your statement to the impact that some of the proposals would have had on the Royal Welsh and the National Eisteddfod, particularly as this was a very prominent feature in the summary that you published of the responses."

He also added: "So can you confirm, as you develop that work, that you will not only be aware of the need to protect the interests of the Royal Welsh and the Eisteddfod, but that you will also ensure that any changes ultimately implemented will not lead to a negative impact on those festivals?"

In response, Ms Neagle said: "As you highlight, the Royal Welsh Show and the Eisteddfod did feature in the consultation and there have been discussions with relevant organisations in relation to that.

"I want to be really clear, though, that I think this is a decision that has to be taken on the basis of what is best for children and young people, but I know too that there are communities in Wales that really value taking their children and young people to visit the Royal Welsh Show."

Following the debate, Mr Gruffydd said: "I welcome this assurance from the Cabinet Secretary for Education that she will work with the Royal Welsh Show, the Eisteddfod and other organisations on reform of the school calendar."