An outdoor education teacher from a school near Llandudno has been honoured by RYA Cymru Wales.

Aled Edwards of St David's College has been awarded the RYA Cymru Wales Impact Award for helping their pupils gain a lifelong passion for sailing.

Launched by the sport’s governing body in Wales in 2024, the Impact Awards recognises individuals and organisations, seen to go above and beyond support to activities afloat.

Mr Edwards was nominated by his school for his dedication, shown by providing sailing opportunities in the school’s curriculum and his active role in the school connecting with local clubs and scout groups.

Beyond the regular schedule, Mr Edwards' has held extra-curricular activities that include Sunday sailing, and junior dinghy sailing expeditions.

North Wales Pioneer:

Students are given the chance to get RYA sail and powerboat certificates, with Year 13 students graduating with a clutch of qualifications.

Their sailing experiences often seed a career interest in the marine industry, where many students have ended up working as working in the, the Royal Navy, marine navigation, and crew powerboating.

Head of outdoor education at the school, Ian Martin, nominated Mr Edwards for the award and said: "As well as providing enjoyable and memorable lessons, professional boating qualifications are taught to BTEC pupils and others.

"The exposure and introductions to sailing have not only boosted the popularity and accessibility of sailing to all pupils, but Aled has also been a key role model to many students, who have gone on to seek careers in the world of sailing.

"As far as I am aware, St David’s College is the only school in Wales providing such a variety of sailing experiences and opportunities, thanks to the standout hard work of Aled and his team."

Mr Edwards is the school’s chief instructor for outdoor education, and he said: "We put a big emphasis on boating for the sake of boating, and the enjoyment of doing it, as opposed to making it overly competitive or pressurised.

"We do it to nurture a love of being out on the water and so that pupils learn a lifelong skill."

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