A FIREWORKS display organised in Colwyn Bay this weekend has been cancelled ahead of the forecasted heavy rain which Storm Ciarán is set to bring to the region.

The event, which was due to be held at Eirias Park at 7pm on Friday (November 3), was also unable to be re-arranged.

A yellow Met Office rain warning has been issued to Conwy throughout the entirety of November 2, while strong winds are also expected.

Bay of Colwyn Town Council appreciated that the news will have been “disappointing” to many, but said the decision “has not been taken lightly”.


Storm Ciarán set to bring heavy rain to North Wales tonight

A statement, attributed to mayor Hannah Fleet; and Chris Hughes, chair of Bay of Colwyn Bonfire Subcomittee, read: “It is with regret that we announce the cancellation of the Eirias Park bonfire and fireworks display, scheduled to take place from 7pm on November 3.

“This decision has been taken on safety grounds, due to the forecasted heavy rainfall over the next 24 to 36 hours, and the impact this could have both on staff availability and on already waterlogged ground, causing safety concerns for those attending the event and potential damage to the parkland.

“It has not been possible to reschedule the event to a later date, as we do not know how long it will take for the ground to recover from the recent and expected storm events.

“We know this will be disappointing and can assure you that this decision has not been taken lightly.”

Persistent rain, heavy at times, especially over higher ground, could bring some disruption to North Wales in the next few days.

In total, 30-50mm of rain may fall quite widely within the warning area, with the potential for 60-80mm to fall in a few spots on high ground.

Strong north to northwest winds may exacerbate any impacts from heavy rain.

The statement added: “We thank our partners at Colwyn Bay Fire Station, Conwy County Borough Council, and Colwyn Leisure Centre for all they have done to help us provide a safe and enjoyable event over the past 50+ years.

“Many of their staff will be on standby over the next 36 hours to respond to any emergencies, due to the adverse weather.

“We hope everyone stays safe and that we will be back with a bigger and better event in 2024.”

What to expect:

  • Flooding of a few homes and businesses is possible.
  • Bus and train services probably affected with journey times taking longer.
  • Spray and flooding on roads probably making journey times longer.
  • Some interruption to power supplies and other services possible.