A RHOS on Sea make up artist who jetted off to Corfu on holiday spotted celebrity David Walliams whilst waiting for her luggage. 

Keena Roberts, who was travelling with family, said the tv star, comedian and children's author was happy to pose for photos with passengers. 

She said: "I was one of the first to spot him whilst waiting for our luggage at Corfu airport.

"I hesitated going over as he’s on holiday, so didn’t want to intrude and I didn’t know what kind of response I would get. Others started to realise and asked him for photos and as both of my girls loved his books, it was an opportunity not to be missed.


"He was really lovely. Happy to pose for a photo with people and he even had his own sharpie to sign a little boy's book.

"It was a lovely surprise and a great way to start our holiday."