PEOPLE living on a Llandudno street are setting up a charity as part of their plans to transform the road’s "bad reputation".

King’s Road in Llandudno has been “associated with drugs and violence” for many years.

Residents even previously attempted – and failed – to change the street’s name such was its reputation.

But now, people living in the area are fighting to change perceptions of the street.

The Friends of King’s Road have already pencilled in a fun day later this month in the hope of raising funds.


Made up of residents living on the street, past and present, the committee wants to set up a registered charity so it can raise money to improve the area.

But the residents must first register the charity and raise £2,000 so they can attract match funding.

Founder and chairwoman Clara Molloy, 27, set up the Friends of King’s Road with vice chair Carla Griffiths, 40.

“One of our aims and objectives of our constitution is to promote and build up community spirit and a sense of belonging for people,” said Clara.

“Unfortunately, King’s Road is notorious going back years, and unfortunately it’s been associated with drugs and violence and the police.

“It’s been deemed a place where some people would avoid living in. But it hasn’t been like that for a long time.

“Obviously you get that anywhere you go within reason.

“What we are trying to do is put something in place for the young people so they’ve got something to do and not turning to crime and going out there and vandalising properties.

“We want to strengthen the community, build community spirit, and promote the health and well-being of everybody in it, especially children and young people.”

Ben, a former pupil of Ysgol John Bright, who also sits on the committee, said: “Kings Road has got a bad name due to ongoing issues.

“It’s known as a rough area because of police on the street, fights, people on the roofs with stand-offs with police. You name it, it’s happened.

“But we haven’t had any fights in about a year since the committee was set up.

“During the King’s Coronation, we were one of the only streets that didn’t have a police presence in the town.

“The street’s bad name is starting to clear. So we want to raise as much money as possible.

“Once we hit the £2,000 mark, we will be able to apply for funding.

“The funding would be used to help towards our fun days, improving the grass area, and putting CCTV cameras on the green to protect the kids.

“We’ve never been able to change the name of the street.

“It was talked about by the committee, but the council haven’t approved that. The old committee, not the one now, eight or nine years ago, asked Conwy.

“But there’s no point in asking now as we know the answer from eight or nine years ago. We want people to know we are trying our best to change the reputation by raising funds and making King’s Road a better area.”

The Friends of King’s Road’s fun day is set to be held on August 20 when bouncy castles will be provided. The committee says everyone is welcome and is hoping to organise play days and a trip to the zoo for local children.