A WELSH-language secondary school will be extended after Conwy’s planning committee granted permission for the building to be developed, despite fears about parking.

Construction of a two-storey extension will now go ahead at Ysgol y Creuddyn on Derwen Lane in Penrhyn Bay.

The plans for three new classrooms, toilets, storerooms, and five new car parking spaces were granted by Conwy ’s planning committee.

New external doors will also be constructed leading to the existing toilets.

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But speaking at the planning meeting at Bodlondeb, Cllr Jo Nuttall said Derwen Lane already had too many cars parked on the stretch and questioned whether the development could include more car parking spaces.

Ysgol y Creuddyn’s grounds are enclosed by residential properties to the north and east and Ysgol Glanwydden to the south on Derwen Lane, a primary school which also attracts traffic in the morning and afternoon finishing times.

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“I work in that area quite a lot and that road is particularly narrow,” said Cllr Nuttall.

“Is there any space for extra car parking? I think it is the sixth formers who park on that road. I don’t think it is staff.”

She added: “It really is a bottleneck down there.”

But Cllr Nuttall was advised that the council’s highways officers had visited the area and were satisfied with the level of parking provision.

Planning officers advised the committee to support the development, and Cllr Ifor Lloyd proposed the committee voted in favour of the plans, which was seconded by Cllr Gwennol Ellis.

Cllr Lloyd commented: “I started at the school at the beginning of the 1980s. It is good to see the school is still going strong. They need an extension, and the school is still developing, so I’m happy to propose the recommendation.”

The committee voted unanimously in favour of the development.