A MAN from Abergele guilty of raping a woman and a child has received a lengthy prison sentence.

Michael Williams, 67, of Pentregwyddel Road, was jailed for 19 years, and was handed a one-year period of licence following his release, at Caernarfon Crown Court today (April 12).

He was also guilty of voyeurism, and possession of indecent still and moving images of children.

Prosecuting, Simon Rogers told the court that Williams first showed his penis to a girl aged “eight or nine”, before telling her “not to tell anyone”.

Williams went on to rape the girl on multiple occasions, firstly when she was still a primary school pupil, the court heard.

A woman also told police that she, too, had been raped by Williams.

After Williams was arrested, a number of digital devices were seized and examined, which recovered prohibited and extreme pornographic images.

Search terms indicative of a sexual interest in children were also found.

On a camcorder, three videos were found depicting women urinating in a toilet, seemingly entirely unaware of the fact they were being recorded.

Police made enquiries, but were unable to identify the women.

Of Williams’ victims, one said that “there are no words that will come close to describing” how his actions have affected her life.

The other added: “He repeatedly told me he owned my body and said I no longer had the right to say no to him.

“The guilt I have had to live with has been sometimes unbearable.

“Even to this day, I have very low self-esteem, and have lost the ability to make close friendships. The thought of a man having any sort of power over me again terrifies me.”

Defending, Owen Edwards said that Williams, who had no previous convictions, is a man who “has worked hard all his life”, including serving his country.

Mr Edwards said Williams has “lost everything” since these matters came to light, and takes responsibility for “ruining the life” of both of his victims.

He said: “He accepts what he’s done, he accepts the scale of what he’s done, and he accepts the sentence that he’s about to receive. That is his only way of showing real contrition.”

Sentencing, Recorder John Philpotts also imposed an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order upon Williams.

He also ordered the deprivation of the digital devices which were seized from Williams.

Recorder Philpotts told him: “You were living a lie; superficially, a man of good character, when you were far from a man of good character.

“You are a dangerous offender, and you present an ongoing, significant risk to the public of serious harm.

“An extended sentence, including an extended period of licence, is, in my judgment, necessary to protect the public.”

Following Williams' sentencing, Detective Constable Jennie Ribbons-Steen said: “I welcome today’s sentence and hope this demonstrates to other victims of such serious and life changing offences that we take all incidents of violence against women and girls very seriously.

“Time is no barrier to reporting offences of this nature, which will continue to remain a high priority for the force.”

Police Constable Natalie Edwards added: “I would like to take this opportunity to praise the victims in this case for the immense courage and dignity throughout the whole of this investigation.

"I applaud them for taking the difficult step in reporting the matter to us at the outset.

“The North Wales Police Amethyst team encourages other victims to get in touch if they have been the victim of a similar crime by calling 101, 999, or via the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) on 01492 805384.

“We will continue to place offenders before the court to face justice for heinous crimes such as these.”