A MAN, dubbed a 'monster' by his victim, has been jailed for four-and-a-half years following what the judge called an 'appalling' case of sexual assault at a North Wales hotel.

Umair Farooq, 42, of Rangpura, Pakistan, appeared before Mold Crown Court on Thursday, October 13.

He had previously pleaded guilty to assault by penetration and trespassing with intent to commit a sexual offence at Mold Magistrates on July 1.

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Simon Rogers, prosecuting, told the court how on May 27 of this year, the complainant had travelled to Llangollen with a friend.

The pair were staying the night in separate rooms at the Hand Hotel, Llangollen, ahead of taking part in a charity walk the day after.

When they visited the bar area of the hotel that night, that is when they first came across Farooq.

The victim's friend had noticed him 'staring' at them and told of how he made them 'feel uncomfortable.

When confronted, he had asked them if they were staying at the hotel. When questioned why he asked this he replied, 'Oh, I just wondered'.

The victim and her friend then went out to another pub until 10pm, before heading to a kebab shop where the victim began to feel unwell.

The friend then took her back to the hotel and put her to bed fully clothed - vowing to return to check on her - but she later became unwell herself and so did not go back.

Later that night, the victim awoke to find Farooq leaning over her and she told of how she could 'feel his fingers inside her'. 

She asked him what he was doing and he told her that 'it was okay'. She then pushed him away before running out of the room.

Her friend went to the hotel reception and reported the incident before challenging the defendant who said he was 'just checking on her', adding 'I'm Muslim, I wouldn't do that, she is like a sister to me."

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Farooq was subsequently arrested and taken to St Asaph police station for questioning.

While there, he told police: "I didn't know what was allowed here in Britain, I thought it was okay to enter the room."

He had entered the victim's room via a key that had been left in the door, Mr Rogers told the court.

Simon Mintz, defending, said Farooq's behaviour that night had been 'uncharacteristic' and that he was a man with an 'impeccable reputation'.

He was further described as a 'respected family man' who ran his own business and sent money to Pakistan to support his family.

A personal statement from the victim, read out in court described Farooq as a 'monster'.

The statement added: "I don't get how this had happened in a quiet hotel in Wales. I feel like I have lost myself to a man and I don't even know who he is.

"What he did took seconds but what I have to do to re-build my life will take years. You are a monster and no sentence will ever be good enough."

Sentencing Farooq, Judge Rhys Rowlands described the incident as 'appalling', adding that the defendant had taken advantage of his victim when she was 'unwell and vulnerable'.

He sentenced Farooq to 54 months (four-and-a-half years) in jail for the assault by penetration charge alone, with no separate penalty for the trespassing.

He was also put on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Speaking after sentencing, T/Detective Inspector Emma Gardner said: “I welcome today’s sentence, which underlines our commitment to ensuring that all perpetrators of sexual offences are relentlessly pursued and placed before the Court.

“This sends a clear message that we as a force, and society in North Wales will not tolerate any acts of this nature.

“I would like to pay tribute to the victim for their bravery throughout this legal process and encourage anyone who is subject to any similar type of incident to report it to us at the earliest opportunity. Your complaint will be dealt with in confidence, investigated thoroughly and you will be offered the necessary support.

“We remain committed to making north Wales the safest place in the UK.”