THE first refugees from the Ukraine are expected to arrive in the UK this week - with many in Wales prepared to offer accommodation.

People keen to offer refugees shelter in the UK can now register their interest in sponsoring Ukrainians through the UK Government’s new humanitarian scheme.

North Wales Pioneer: Roksolanna Mokhnnenko 22 a Ukrainian refugee after talking to the media at the Lemon Hotel, Tourcoing, France. Image: PARoksolanna Mokhnnenko 22 a Ukrainian refugee after talking to the media at the Lemon Hotel, Tourcoing, France. Image: PA

Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove has said the process of matching Britons with people fleeing the conflict will take place from Friday, while he expects the first refugees to use the new route will make their way to the UK by the end of the week.

North Wales Pioneer: The question we asked.The question we asked.

Mr Gove said more than 3,000 visas have so far been issued to Ukrainians seeking help in the UK, with the Cabinet minister estimating “tens of thousands” more will be provided.

Meanwhile, Mark Drakeford and Nicola Sturgeon have said both Wales and Scotland are willing to become “super sponsors” for Ukrainian refugees.

North Wales Pioneer: Cumulative refugee arrivals from Ukraine in neighbouring countries. Infographic PA Graphics. Cumulative refugee arrivals from Ukraine in neighbouring countries. Infographic PA Graphics.

The UK Government is set to launch a scheme where individuals and organisations can sponsor refugees to come into the country, but the Welsh and Scottish first ministers have told Michael Gove, the Levelling Up Secretary, they wanted to “maximise” their contribution and act as “super sponsors”.

In a letter to Mr Gove, they also renewed their calls on Westminster to waive all visa requirements for Ukrainian nationals trying to get into the UK

Earlier this week, we asked readers whether they would consider taking a refugee into your home.

This is what our Facebook users said:

  • Rachel Kelly said: "If I still lived where I had spare room, yes if course. I can't even have my brother to stay where I live now, the place is so small."
  • Michelle Macdonald said: "I'm not allowed. I'm a childminder!"
  • Felicity Ann Riley said: "I definitely would if I had a spare bedroom. Considering bumping some kids in together for a short time so that we can."
  • Pat Williams Will said: "They should all be in one building as they don’t speak English, probably have lot problems. They need support social services. Maybe consider take in one adult but I would need support."
  • Emma Jayne said: "I'm considering it carefully. I have space and no dependents though so don't have the concerns that others may have."
  • Sean Hughes said: "Not a chance, you do not know them, and 350 what's that going to get you when the gas price goes up next month?"
  • Suzanne Bucknall asked: "Nope, how many politicians would offer a room?"
  • Steve Andrews said: "Let the millionaires like Lineker take them in, they must have plenty of room and paying the fuel increases won’t bother them at all. So no I won’t."
  • Lynda Dykstra said: "If I could I would. I hope someone would do the same for me if it were in that situation. 'There for the grace go I'."
  • Juju Ann Harrison said: "What about all our kids on the streets that have run away from horrible situations in there homes? I do feel for all those people in the Ukraine really I do...but we need to think about our own first...hundreds of young people sleeping on doorway and very afraid."
  • Kath Nolan added: "Nope struggling to look after our own and it’s only going to get worse."
  • Sean Hughes added: "Also there are soldiers and family's living on the streets in our own country that need the help first but it's all about putting more money in the government's pockets first."
  • Jenny Mitchell replied: "Charity begins at home that’s what I always say and believe. Ask the many millionaires or celebrities who push the media bias onto their 'fans' to step in and take them into their big houses."
  • Jason Vernon said: "Wow, bunch of open hearted souls on this comment section! You do know our own issues as a country have nothing to to with people literally fleeing for their lives?"
  • Lindsey Stark said: "'Look after own first' - proceeds to not look after our own."

What do you think?