By Paul Scott, Senior Fire Safety Manager for North Wales Fire and Rescue Service

"With the seasons changing and winter rapidly approaching, I wanted to take this opportunity to once again appeal to everyone in North Wales to help support us in our work to keep our communities safe this winter.

You may remember that earlier this year I launched the ‘You Can Save a Life’ campaign, which appealed to everyone to help protect the most vulnerable within our communities. The support and positive response has been overwhelming, and I would like to thank you all for responding so well.

However, tragically people are still losing their lives in Wales because of fires in the home.

We want everyone to take a few minutes to check on those people who could be more vulnerable from fire - they could be a neighbour, relative or someone you care for.

Lots of us have elderly or vulnerable people in our lives who could do with a little extra help from time to time – and by making sure they have a smoke alarm on every floor of their home you could be saving a life.

If you think they may need our help to keep as safe as possible, please get in touch with us.

During the colder months and with the clocks about to change heralding darker evenings, we may spend more time indoors – but I’m appealing to you to not to forget to make an extra effort to get out and make that all important connection.

We need you on board to help us reach more people who may need our help - together we can save a life.

Below are some basic safety tips you can share on keeping safe from fire in the home:

Make sure you have working smoke alarms fitted

Most fires at home start accidentally – and the effects can be devastating. Smoke alarms provide an early warning allowing vital time for you to escape. They really do save lives.

You can call us on 0800 169 1234 to register for a safe and well check - more information here

Use this bedtime safety check to help prevent a fire in the home - you are almost three times more likely to be killed in a fire that starts during the night.

• Switch off and unplug all appliances. (Only leave on those appliances that are designed to be left on - for example, freezers, fridges and clock radios.)

• Check that the oven, grill and hob are switched off.

• Don't leave the washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher running overnight (they are a fire risk because of their high wattage, friction and motors).

• Turn off all gas and electric heaters, and put a guard in front of an open fire.

• Check that candles are out before leaving a room, never leave one unattended.

• Make sure that any cigarettes, cigars and pipes have been put out properly, and never smoke in bed. You could fall asleep and accidentally set fire to your bedding.

• Close all doors. By shutting doors you can protect your escape route from fire. This is particularly important in homes where you would not be able to escape from a window, for example if you live in a high-rise flat.

• Turn off your electric blanket before getting into bed.

• Before buying nightwear, visit for guidance on labelling. A label that reads 'low flammability' does not indicate a completely flameproof product.

• Check that your escape route is clear of obstacles and make sure window and door keys are easily accessible.