By Mark Isherwood

MS for North Wales

"Having long championed the needs of Autistic people and their families, I was concerned to learn of Whistleblowers’ claims last week that Autistic children were 'abused' at a children's home in Cardiff, ‘punished for engaging in autistic behaviour’. Speaking in the Welsh Parliament, I said the allegations are “symptomatic of so much of the casework that I have on behalf of Autistic constituents and/or their families“ and called for the Welsh Government “to tackle this endemic and deep-rooted problem”.

I called for an urgent Welsh Government Statement on support for wedding venues in Wales, quoting wedding venue businesses in North East Wales who told me “Mr Drakeford’s comments during the update have had a catastrophic result on weddings due to take place this summer” and “at this rate it’s only a matter of time before we will have to close”.

In her response, the Trefnydd, who is also the Minister for North Wales, said wedding venues “is an area we can certainly look at” as more sectors and more parts of society are opened up, but these businesses can’t afford to wait!

Responding to the Statement by the Minister for Social Justice on EU Settled Status, I highlighted the actions being taken by the UK Government to alert EU, EEA and Swiss citizens of the June 30th 2021 EU Settlement Scheme application deadline and questioned her about the Welsh Government’s actions to ensure that everyone in Wales eligible to apply does so.

I attended the first meeting of the Senedd’s (Parliamentary) Interim Subordinate Legislation Committee as the Committee’s Welsh Conservative representative. This temporary Committee has been established to ensure committee scrutiny of subordinate legislation made by Welsh Government Ministers using powers given to them by Welsh or UK primary legislation, and to report on whether the Senedd should pay special attention to any of this, until such time as the Senedd’s new formal Committee structure has been agreed and put in place.

Online engagements included North and Mid Wales Law Clinic, Cancer Research UK (Wales) and Anglesey Freeport Steering Group, and I caught up with the Rhydymwyn Valley History Society during a call with them.

As Honorary President of North-Wales based NWAMI, Networking for World Awareness of Multicultural Integration, I also attended their virtual General Meeting. NWAMI promotes Community Cohesion and Social Integration through education and cultural engagement, sharing the diverse cultural achievements of mankind and building tolerance and understanding, to reduce hate crime and foster mutual respect.

If you need my help, email or call 0300 200 7219."